Delivering quality product, alongside expert advice in CO, NE, and WY.
Our ability to be a Full-Line Purina Dealer with on-site feed specialists, our dedication to quality and value help you serve all species of livestock. In addition, our certified Pinto and Mayocoba bean seed gives you the best crops imaginable. Between crop contracting, advisory services, we also help with crop processing, storage, and marketing.
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bean growers and
landlords served
First Year of Bean
Receiving and Processing
in Feed in Rocky
Mountain Region

Buy High-Quality Bean Seed and Grower Services
Every crop and season comes with its own challenges. We look ahead at what’s coming to give you the best bean seed available, and with our expert grower services, we help you with what you need as you grow.
Seed and Grower Services

We Sell Premium Wholesale and Retail Dry Beans
If you don’t want to grow our Pinto or Mayocoba beans, we’ve still got you covered! From wholesale products to conveniently sized bags for cooking at home, our beans are available year-round.
Wholesale / Retail Dry Beans

Feed Products for Cattle, Sheep, Poultry, and More…
From goats to birds, rabbits to pigs, we have feed products for every animal you need to raise. With our new location in Ault, we’re ready to help you take care of the animals you love to raise.
Feed Products